Call for Workshops

The call for workshops or book presentations for the second edition of the event Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week is now open!

The proposal submission deadline is May 31st 2024.

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Eduardo Demetrio Crespo

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

PhD from the University of Salamanca (1997) and is Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2011). He has been a Research Fellow of the Ministry of Education and Science (1994-1997), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2005-2006), the Max-Planck Society (2008), the Hanseatic Institute for Advanced Studies (2010) and the Salvador de Madariaga Programme of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (2016). He has carried out research stays in Germany, the UK and Italy. He was visiting professor at the Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (2018) and Honorary Professor at the San Martín de Porres University (2019).  His lines of research revolve around the dogmatic and constitutional foundations of criminal law. Among his publications, the following monographs stand out: Prevención general e individualización judicial de la pena (1st ed. 1999; re-ed. 2016); La tentativa en la autoría mediata y en la actio libera in causa (1st ed. 2003; re-ed. 2020); Culpabilidad y fines de la pena: con especial referencia al pensamiento de Claus Roxin (1st ed. 2008, re-ed. 2013), Responsabilidad penal por omisión del empresario (1st ed. 2009, re-ed. 2017), Fragmentos sobre Neurociencias y Derecho penal (2017) y El Derecho penal del Estado de Derecho entre el espíritu de nuestro tiempo y la Constitución (2020). He has also directed or coordinated numerous collective works dedicated to the aforementioned fields of study. He currently works as lead reseacher and coordinating lead researcher respectively of the projects “Derecho penal y comportamiento humano” and “Crisis del Derecho penal del Estado de Derecho”.