Call for Workshops

The call for workshops or book presentations for the second edition of the event Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week is now open!

The proposal submission deadline is May 31st 2024.

More info


Cruz, Rogerio Schietti

Magistrate of Superior Tribunal de Justiça of Brazil

Master's degree and Doctor in Procedural Law for the Faculty of Law of Universidade de São Paulo - Largo do São Francisco.

Professor of doctorate and master's degree courses in UniNove; Professor of the bachelor's degree and master's degree in Law of the Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa (IDP).

Author of numerous articles and legal books, including: Processo penal pensado e aplicado (Brasília Jurídica, 2004), A Proibição de Dupla Persecução Penal (Juspodivm, 2022 -2th ed-), Garantias Processuais nos recursos criminais (Atlas, 2013, 2th ed.), and Prisão cautelar: dramas, princípios e alternativas (Juspodivm, 2023, 8th ed.).

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06.03.2025 | 03:00 pm
Evidential legal reasoning in High Courts: coordinated by Rogerio Schietti
Auditori Palau de Congressos de Girona