Call for Workshops

The call for workshops or book presentations for the second edition of the event Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week is now open!

The proposal submission deadline is May 31st 2024.

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Verheij, Bart

University of Groningen, Netherlands

He holds the chair of artificial intelligence and argumentation as full professor at the University of Groningen.

He is head of the department of Artificial Intelligence in the Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Science and Engineering.

He participates in the Multi-Agent Systems group and the NWO Zwaartekracht Hybrid Intelligence project, in which he co-coordinated its "Responsible Hybrid Intelligence" line.

His research focuses on the connections between knowledge, data and reasoning, as a contribution to responsible artificial intelligence. He uses an argumentation perspective, inspired by the domains of law and evidence.

He is co-editor-in-chief of the journal Argument and Computation, section editor of the journal Artificial Intelligence and Law, and participates in professional organisations (COMMA, president; JURIX, vice-president/secretary; BNVKI, community builder; CLAIRE, member informal advisory group ethical, legal, social Issues/National Advisory Board NL chapter; IPN, member Special Interest Group AI). He was president of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL).

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