Call for Workshops

The call for workshops or book presentations for the second edition of the event Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week is now open!

The proposal submission deadline is May 31st 2024.

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Federico Arena

Universidad Blas Pascal, Argentina

He has a degree in Law by Cordoba National University, Argentina and a European PhD in Philosophy of Law by Genoa University, Italy. He is currently Researcher and member of the Science and Law Program of the National Research Council of Argentina (Conicet). He is also Professor of Methodology of Criminal Investigation at the Law School of the Córdoba National University and Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law and Logic at Blas Pascal University, Cordoba. He has been lecturer at Bocconi University, Italy, Alberto Hurtado University, Chile and Itam, Mexico. He has taught training courses for the judiciary in Argentina, Chile and Mexico. He has edited, with Diego Moreno and Pau Luque, the book “Razonamiento jurídico y ciencias cognitivas”, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2021 and he has coordinated the “Manual sobre los efectos de los estereotipos en la impartición de justicia”, published by the Mexican Supreme Court in 2022. He is currently working on a book about stereotypes behind norms.