Call for Workshops

The call for workshops or book presentations for the second edition of the event Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week is now open!

The proposal submission deadline is May 31st 2024.

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Carmen Vázquez

Universidad de Girona, Spain

University of Girona, Spain.  Professor of philosophy of law at the University of Girona and researcher at the Chair of Legal Culture at the same university. She has conducted research stays at the Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (UNAM), the University of Miami, Northwestern University and the University of Nottingham. She has participated in different research projects in Spain and in multiple academic events in Europe and Latin America. Her publications include “De la prueba científica a la prueba pericial” (2015), “Less probabilism and more about explanationism” (The International Journal of Evidence and Proof); “Técnica Legislativa del feminicidio y sus problemas probatorios” (DOXA, 2019); “La prueba pericial en la experiencia estadounidense. El caso Daubert” (Jueces para la democracia, 2016); “El perito de confianza de los jueces” (Analisi e Diritto, 2016); “La admisibilidad de las pruebas periciales y la racionalidad de las decisiones judiciales” (DOXA, 2015), amongst others. She has edited “Estándares de prueba y prueba científica” (2013) and co-edited “Debatiendo con Taruffo” (2016) “Del derecho al razonamiento probatorio” (Marcial Pons, 2020) and “El razonamiento probatorio en el proceso judicial. Un encuentro entre diferentes tradiciones” (Marcial Pons, in press). She is co-translator of “Verdad, error y proceso penal” (2013) by Larry Laudan and translator of “Perspectivas pragmatistas” (2020) by Susan Haack. She is a member of the “Quaestio Facti. International Journal on Evidential Legal Reasoning” editorial team.